Grade 7

Deforestation in the Amazon

We rode a small boat on that scorching day with an even smaller motor. The cool water sprayed my face as we passed scenery like I had never seen before. The forest played with my senses as our boat’s passengers marveled at the exotic life surrounding us. We passed villages, birds and trees that seemed […]

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Grade 9

Tales of Adoption and Courage

I was born in the Bronx section of New York to parents who are only vague memories to me now. When I was about two or three years old my biological father and mother divorced and my biological mother took me to Korea, my “homeland.” For two years, I lived in a one-room house with […]

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cyber bullying
Grade 6

Cyber Bullying

For now my parents monitor my computer usage but soon I will be old enough to have my own Facebook and YouTube accounts. Many of my friends already have their own. Although it’s cool to read updates and see new things, I know that bullying online is a real problem. From my research, no school […]

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muslim girls
Religious Expression
Grade 7

Muslim Identity & Media

America is great. At least that’s what I try to convince myself of because sometimes I feel unsafe because of my religion. I’m Muslim and I feel like now the world is trying to destroy believers of my religion. Islam’s holy book, the Quran, states that a Muslim who harms themselves or others purposely is […]

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Religious Expression
Grade 11

Exploring Religion in Israel

Long black clothes and long white beards symbolizing their length of ignorance and color of their opinions. It’s these minions that cause the shame, that ruin the name, that make us all look the same. It’s the fundamentalists that hold us to less, that tell us to bless but are blind to the mess they’ve […]

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global migration
Grade 8

Global Migration: Moving To America

Thousands of Ethiopians leave their home every year and many of them arrive in America. Like my family, they start their lives from scratch. My family’s story of global migration started a few years ago when my parents moved to the United States from Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa. An immigrant is a person who moves […]

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spoken word
Pop Culture
Grade 9

The Message Behind the Music

“Now, what you hear is not a test. I’m rappin’ to the beat, and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet.” According to rapper Jay-Z, rap has changed America immensely to improve race relations and has done more than any leader or politician. In fact, the influence that rap […]

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Grade 11

The Cost of Healing

Ever since elementary school, I have dreamed of becoming a doctor – I wanted to cure illness and make people feel better. My dream job was specifically to be a pediatrician, because I thought getting to talk with kids and to work with their parents would be fun and really cool, and I would be helping them. […]

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Grade 9

An Immigrant’s Pride

Fifteen years ago, two scientists in their twenties gave up their respectable jobs and their cozy apartment, bid farewell to their family and friends, left their hometown, and came to a new country—America. All they had were a yet to be born baby, 4 suitcases and a thousand dollars. They studied hard, worked diligently and […]

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Grade 11

Battling AIDS in My City

Washington, DC is among the cities with the highest rates of STDs infection in the United States.  The term STD refers to a Sexually Transmitted Disease.  Teenagers between the ages of 15-17 years old are the fastest growing age group to join this dangerous statistic.  Our city’s mayor, Adrian Fenty, said in an interview about […]

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