LGBTQ Rights
Grade 10

Stop the LGBTQ+ Bullying at School

According to, “more LGBTQ+ students (14%) than straight students (7%) reported not going to school because of safety concerns.” One of my closest friends in middle school told me about their experience when it came to bullying. They shared how it affected their mental health and how they had to resort to telling me […]

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Grade 6

A Problem to Think About

For all you straights and LGBTQ+s, this is for you. LGBTQ+ bullying in school should be stopped and addressed because bullying is not good for mental health. You may think that being straight as a ruler isn’t a problem, but neither is anything else, so for all you bullies, keep your noses out of the […]

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Grade 7

LGBTQ+ Bullying

There has been an increase recently in the number of people identifying as queer, and some people are not taking it too well. A lot of these people are bullies from school. This needs to be stopped because it is leading people into depression and even sometimes suicide. Here are some examples, On February 7th […]

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LGBTQ Rights
Grade 8

Erasing Progress with Unspoken Laws

How many of you have relatives that live in Florida? Are your relatives in school right now? Are they part of the 40% affected by Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, which prohibits teachers from talking about gender and sexuality in schools? With this law, trans people and other minorities are experiencing erasure from the school […]

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LGBTQ Rights
Grade 5

LGBTQ+ Harassment

Harassment. According to Wikipedia, the verb is derived from the Old French harasser which means to “exhaust, tire  out, wear out; to harry, torment, vex.” It may also link from the Old French hirer (“to set a dog on”), and from Frankish hara, meaning, “here, hither,” a command for a dog to attack. Now, you […]

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LGBT adoption
LGBTQ Rights
Grade 8

Adoption Rights For Gay Couples

Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples? Gay couples’ adoption rights are important to me because I personally know gay couples who are affected by this issue. Why does it matter if they’re not straight? It doesn’t matter what the adopting parents’ sexual orientation is, all couples should have the same […]

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LGBTQ Rights
Grade 6

We Should Stand Up for Gay Marriage

Imagine if the state or country you lived in would not allow you to marry someone you wanted to marry. Gay couples do not get the same rights as other couples and face discrimination in some societies. I think gay couples should receive the same rights as other couples. Many churches oppose gay marriage because […]

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