Grade 10

Wealth Inequality Amongst Societies

According to Equality Trust, an organization that campaigns for economic equality, “Living in an unequal society causes stress and status anxiety, which may damage your health.” In both affluent and developing countries, economic hardships, inequalities, and job instability have sparked major protests. In order to fix the problem of wealth inequality in DC, Phil Mendelson, […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 10

Abortion is Their Choice

As someone with the ability to carry a child, I believe that decision of what becomes of my body should be up to me. Being forced to take care of another being while still figuring out how to take care of yourself is something many people struggle with today. If this problem ever becomes my […]

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Gender Equality
Grade 10

Sexualization of Women in Media

Many women have experiences with being sexualized throughout their lives, and for some it began at a very early age. The sexualization of women has in fact been normalized in society, with examples such as the Japanese schoolgirl trope, infantilization, and young girls wanting to “grow up” when it comes to sexual maturity. Teenagers are […]

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International Cultures and Issues
Grade 10

Global Issue #1

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the share of Americans living below the poverty line increased by 1 percentage point, to 11.4%. In America today poverty is a major problem the worlds face, and I care deeply about this topic because it is one of the major global problems most countries in the world face. […]

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Grade 10

US Military’s Effect on Afghanistan’s Economy

Afghanistan has one of the most depressed economies in the world today as half of its population is facing hunger due to the shortage of supplies of food and money; “Afghanistan still has one of the smallest formal economies on the planet.” (Sabga, 2021). After 9/11, the US started bombing Afghanistan under George Bush’s presidency. […]

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Grade 10

Taking the Leap

Consider taking some time off before starting college to explore the world, make massive money, and most importantly, figure out what profession you want to pursue in the future. This is known as a gap year, and it is during this time that students realize they may need time to collect their thoughts before moving […]

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prescription pills
Grade 10

End the Opioid Crisis

Imagine taking the daily vitamin that your doctor prescribed to you. You take this pill so often that it becomes second nature to you. So you do not realize when you start taking it more than you should. You have grown dependent on this vitamin and you cannot stop taking it. You are now addicted. […]

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Gun Control
Grade 10

Gun Control in America

Imagine a kid is walking home from school. The kid is excited, skipping trying to get home faster. He just got a one hundred on his math test. Next to him is his best friend. They part ways. He rounds the corner to his house and sees police cars and ambulances. He climbs the stairs […]

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