Gender Equality
Grade 9

Lack of Abortion Rights and Mental Health

Over the past couple of months, our mostly conservative, white, cis-male Supreme Court has chosen to override the Constitutional right to abortion. They left it up to the states to decide on the laws for women and our bodies. The unsafe abortion rates and sexual violence leading to women being forced to carry pregnancies to […]

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Racial Equality
Grade 10

Ending Stereotypes in Media

When I was younger, it was very rare to see a mixed Korean-American person like me in TV shows. Imagine being a young child and turning on your TV yet never seeing anyone who looks like you, or only seeing people who diminish your whole identity to a stereotype. Millions of children, including me, feel […]

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Mental Health
Grade 10

Social Media is the Cause of Self-Worth Issues

The toxic beauty standards that social media and society expect from young people between the ages of 12 and 20 negatively affect their self-worth. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, and Facebook need to start taking responsibility by making a change in the negative influence they have on young minds. Secondly, society needs […]

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Grade 10

The Teaching of the History of America in America

Did you know that 87 percent of content taught about Native Americans includes only pre-1900 context and 27 states did not name an individual Native American in their history standards? Meaning after the wars and carnage that the Natives were involved in they began to be excluded from history books. In America today, this history […]

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Grade 8

Teen Suicide Prevention

Imagine yourself as a student or teacher and the principal walks in and says one of your classmates or students has committed suicide. What are the feelings that hit you? Does your stomach drop? Does it feel like there isn’t enough air in the room? Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young […]

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Justice System
Grade 9

The Unfairness Black and Poor People Deal With

In the first two months of 2021, 132 civilians have been shot, 16 of whom were black. In 2020, shootings among black Americans were much higher than those among any other race, standing at 35 fatal shootings. Police officers need to stop harming people because it is a direct violation of human rights. Black people […]

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Grade 6

Technology in Schools

I always use technology to help with my schoolwork. For example, I use Google Translate to help with Spanish. It would be more difficult for me to do my work without things like Google and YouTube because they have videos or websites that are helpful to me. Schools should allow phones, computers, and security technology […]

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Racial Equality
Grade 6

Racism in Schools

Have you ever had to deal with a white person calling you a “Negro”? How about a white person holding the Confederate flag in your face saying “go back to slavery times so I can beat you and I can have more money”? Racism is everywhere and it can not only hurt people’s feelings but […]

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Grade 12

School and Community Service

How many of you have participated in community service and didn’t understand the purpose of it or couldn’t engage? I definitely have. One day I was participating in an environmental conservation activity. Instead of cleaning litter or assisting at a nursing home, I would rather have spent time with cuddly puppies at an animal shelter […]

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