Grade 6

Pollution in Bangladesh

Imagine you are breathing in thick, polluted air, and your heart starts to hurt. Can you imagine breathing air that is 16 times worse than the World Health Organization’s recommended levels? That’s what people in Bangladesh have to breathe every day. Air pollution in Bangladesh poses a significant problem for the 171.2 million people living […]

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Animal Cruelty
Grade 6

Save the Wolves

Last year, I adopted a wolf named Loci. He lived in a faraway land called the Wolf Sanctuary of Pennsylvania. Loci passed away on April 26, 2024, after many years of living a happy life at the Sanctuary. I met Loci during a visit to the Sanctuary and meeting him instilled in me a desire […]

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Grade 11

All States Need Right-to-Repair Acts

Did you know that it’s impossible to replace displays and batteries in the iPhone 15 without losing features, all because of built-in software locks? Today, repairs of electronic devices are made artificially harder and more expensive by companies preventing the repair of devices by third parties. This is commonly done through proprietary screws to open […]

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Grade 5

Why We Should Save Bees

Have you ever wondered If bees are really that important? Could you imagine a world without bees? If you can’t, let me describe what that would be like. Without bees, 100% of almonds, 90% of apples, 90% of onions, 90% of blueberries, 90% of cucumbers, and 90% of carrots would all be gone (Natural Resources […]

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Animal Cruelty
Grade 7

Factory Farming

The widespread process of factory farming is terrible for animals and our planet. Factory farming is a process that billions of animals go through before they are eventually killed and appear in the meat aisle of a grocery store. According to the Humane Society, “There are no federal animal welfare laws regulating the treatment of […]

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Grade 6

Plastic Pollution Affects Marine Life

The ocean is a giant ecosystem for billions of animals like jellyfish, sea turtles, fish, dolphins, and sharks. It’s important to keep our world livable. Every year, over 300 million tons of plastic are produced for a variety of purposes. Out of the 300 million tons of plastic, over 14 million tons end up in […]

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Grade 7

Water Shortages in the West

Have you ever wondered how much global warming can do? The lakes and rivers in the west are drying up quickly. If there is ever a water shortage in my area, I would want some form of government or organization that could install preventative measures. I wouldn’t want to have a solution in place too […]

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Grade 6


The chopping of axes on wood. Trees falling and branches crashing down to the ground destroying the habitat. Animals that called these trees home run in fear, some find new homes but most do not. Specifically the giant panda. The giant panda in the zoo lives peacefully but its relatives are suffering from deforestation by […]

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global warming 1 scaled
Grade 8

Climate Change

The air is being polluted and the government isn’t doing anything about it. They’re watching the world die slowly. The natural oils and gases aren’t harming the earth but are actually helping as well as it being natural. The world will die if we don’t try and help it. It’s sad to see animal species […]

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pollution factory

Protecting Our Home, Our Environment

Did you know that we are becoming the architects of our own destruction by damaging the environment? We are using 50% more natural resources up than the Earth can provide. The protection of our environment is a very important issue for me because I have seen and experienced climate change. As well, I am worried […]

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deforestation scaled
Grade 8

The Deforestation of Our Environment

The environment is one of the most important resources to help us survive. It gives us a home and food. Deforestation is causing great damage to the environment. In order to tackle deforestation countries should ban deforestation and give scholarships to students that plant 150 trees to restore the number of trees and reduce the […]

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Grade 7

Habitats, Deforestation, and You

There are numerous reasons for the drop in habitats, one of the most prominent is deforestation for economic and agricultural reasons. Many aspects of our lives are affected by deforestation. Yet animals are one of the most influenced. “The analysis, the most comprehensive to date, indicates that animal populations plummeted by 58% between 1970 and […]

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