Every year people ask us, “What topics are you going to have for the curriculum this year?” It may seem strange, but the answer is that we don’t know. We have a good reason for that. One of the best things about One World Education’s program is that it is guided by our students’ interests so we have to wait to see what topics our Student Ambassadors are going to research and write about.

This year, as always, our students have chosen a wide variety of timely topics that they feel passionate about. These topics touch their lives and we believe will touch other students’ lives as well. The 8th grade Student Ambassadors from EL Haynes and Capital City Charter schools focused on topics such as Ebola, video game pros and cons, school safety, bullying, and student athlete grades.

Tenth grade Student Ambassadors from Coolidge and Banneker wrote about topics such as police brutality, terrorism, women’s street harassment, fraternities, and the pros and cons of attending college.

Our 12th grade Student Ambassadors from McKinley Tech and Columbia Heights Education Campus wrote about wage equality for women, the international drug trade, and cyber terrorism.

Clearly, these issues are relevant in the lives of students and will be represented in next year’s curricula, but stay tuned. We’ll know the topics for certain by the spring so that our teachers can design the curricula over the summer for use in the coming year.

In the meantime, we hope you can join us in celebrating these students and their teachers on February 25 from 6:30-8pm at the GALA Theatre at 3333 14th Street, NW.