On November 17, Executive Director Eric Goldstein was the keynote speaker at the first local TEDx Youth Event, which also featured a number of OWEd Student Ambassadors presenting their Reflections, which illustrated the event's theme of Dream Big…then do it!   To listen to Eric's talk, click on the video to the right or visit our Video & Media page.  We will be adding videos of the students in the future, so stay tuned!

Created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading,” the TEDx program is designed to give communities, organizations, and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.

At TEDx events, a screening of TEDTalks videos – or a combination of live presenters and TEDTalks videos – sparks deep conversation and connections. TEDx events are fully planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis.