Your Donation Dollars At Work

Last summer, with your generous support, One World built a new website, developed slide decks to support instruction, created new resources for teachers and students, and provided schools with supplementary instructional videos. In these two videos, watch as teachers and students use what we provided to enhance their teaching and learning.

We’re happy to report that adult learners are using One World Pandemic tools as well. Briya teacher Betsy Fawcett reports, “Students took ownership, saying ‘This is mine.’ You should see their projects, they’re amazing!”

Students’ feedback to us included:

  • I learned how to set goals and follow steps to reach them
  • It helped to have step-by-step directions to follow
  • I would be happy to do the project again with a new topic

Stay tuned for news next month about the launch of an exciting new partnership. One World will be working with one of the nation’s most esteemed institutions to embed primary sources into its vetted database supporting student research.