Adult students from Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School testified last month at DC City Council hearings about the important role that adult education classes have played in their lives.

Danielle Noubayamal fled political persecution in Chad. Her first days in the U.S. were difficult  “When you don’t have language, your world collapses,” she said.

Then she found Carlos Rosario and the One World Program there. “Not only am I learning English but I am full of confidence for my future,” she said. “I dream now of having a career.” In her One World classes, she learned about having a hook for her arguments, supporting her point of view with evidence, and creating powerful conclusions as she argued for a global ban on female genital mutilation.

She ended her City Council appearance with a powerful conclusion. “I hope this committee’s budget decision will allow me to continue to build my family’s future,” she said.